
Nebraska Trail Planning Guide

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GLOSSARY Page numbers indicate where in the document the word can be found. If no page number is listed, this definition is for informational purposes only. ABA: Architectural Barriers Act, enacted by Congress in 1968, requires accessibility in all federal government-owned and leased buildings and facilities, and buildings and facilities constructed, altered, or leased with certain federal grants and loans. Chapter 10 provides Recreation Facilities guidelines for trails and outdoor recreation facilities. Accessible: Often used to indicate compliance with ADA and/or ABA. (p. 25) ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act, signed into law in 1990. The ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. Titles II and III set standards for construction, alterations, program accessibility, and barrier removal. (p. 13, 14, 17, 24) ATV: An ATV is defined as any motorized off-highway vehicle which is 50 inches or less in width; has a dry weight of 1,200 pounds or less; travels on three or more non-highway tires; and is designed for operator use only with no passengers or is specifically designed by the original manufacturer for the operator and one passenger. (p. 4, 13, 21, 24) BLM: Bureau of Land Management, an agency within the United States Department of the Interior responsible for administering federal lands. They are charged with sustaining the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands they manage to meet the needs of present and future generations. BLM has a specific region that covers Nebraska. DMO or CVB: Destination Management (or Marketing) Organization or Convention and Visitors Bureau. Each county has a DMO and can serve as partners in marketing, developing, and creating local strategies around recreation and tourism assets such as trails. EA: Environmental Assessment – A more intensive and stringent review of a proposed project to ensure it will not negatively impact the environment and adheres to conservation conditions to mitigate impacts. ESA: Endangered Species Act of 1973 provides a framework to conserve and protect endangered and threatened species and their habitats from the consequences of "economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation." FHWA: Federal Highway Administration. FLPMA: Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 is a federal law that governs the way in which the public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management are managed. GAOA: The Great American Outdoors Act, federal legislation passed in 2020 that establishes a new National Parks and Public Lands Legacy Restoration Fund and guarantees the permanent and full funding of the existing Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The act will help complete infrastructure projects, expand recreational opportunities, support local economies, and help ensure parks are protected and preserved for the enjoyment of current and future generations. Inclusive Information: An approach to sharing information on websites, maps, and trailhead signs that lets trail users know about trail conditions, amenities, potential barriers, and generally what to expect. In-Kind: Consisting of something (such as goods or labor) other than money. In-kind contributions for trails could include labor (for feasibility study, design, construction, etc.), materials, equipment, mapping, etc. (p. 16, 18) Jurisdictional Boundaries: The places where ownership, management, and decision-making about the land begins or ends for an agency. A jurisdictional boundary could exist between a city and county, local government and state land, or even between two different states or two different federal agencies. 36

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