
Nebraska Trail Planning Guide

Access digital copies of guides and regulations publications from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

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Page 33 of 43

CONSULTATION DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR NEED GUIDANCE WITH YOUR TRAIL PROJECT? Nebraska Game and Parks and many trail advocates throughout the state are here to help! To begin your inquiry, complete a consultation request form on the Game and Parks Community Plans webpage and your request will be routed to the best trail professional to help. OutdoorNebraska.gov/about/community-resources/community-plans Scan to visit Community Plans page and request a consultation FINAL THOUGHTS The Nebraska Trails Planning Guide recognizes every trail project is different and has unique needs and circumstances. This guide is intended to help anybody, whether it is a political subdivision, a local group, or one individual that has a passion for trails. This guide takes you through the major steps to develop a trail and hopefully sparks great ideas for your trail project. As trail managers ourselves, we've learned that there will be pitfalls, setbacks, little victories, and surprises around every corner when developing and maintaining trails. This guide is a conglomeration of over 30 years of trail experience. It doesn't provide all the answers, but it gives you things to think about, logical steps to take, and resources to get more information. Essentially, a great place to start when thinking, "I want to build a trail!" A visitor enjoys a run through the trees at Schramm Park State Recreation Area. 34

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