
Nebraska Trail Planning Guide

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Contents of this Issue


Page 29 of 43

STEWARDSHIP AND LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT Trails are an investment that need to be taken care of. Planning for the long-term management, care, and maintenance of your trail is essential. Without this, the trail will quickly fall into disrepair and become unsafe and unusable. Trail stewardship is the actions of maintenance, promotion, and programming on the trail. This work can be done by anyone invested in the trail – land managers, trail users, trail advocacy groups, community volunteers, etc. Discuss options with the land manager during both the creation of your project proposal and trail design. Revisit the information gathered during these parts of your process and consider the following: • Can stewardship be part of the land manager's care of the trail? • Does a cooperative agreement need to be put in place with multiple parties/ organizations to maintain the trail? • Do you need a dedicated volunteer group? • How will you record maintenance activities? • What are the funding options to help train these volunteers and provide them the equipment they need? • If using volunteers or organizations, what liability practices does the land manager require? • How can you maintain relationships with adjacent landowners? • What level of maintenance do your trail users expect? • What emergency plan do you have for natural disasters such as fires, flooding, or tornadoes? • How will you know when you should close the trail? • What sort of trail crossings would you permit? Including stewardship in your planning is another tool to help build relationships and trust in your process. Northwest Nebraska Trails Association members perform trail maintenance in the Strong Canyon area of the Nebraska National Forest. 30

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