
Nebraska Trail Planning Guide

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Page 31 of 43

A trails stewardship organization can assist with one of the most time-consuming issues on the trail – maintenance. All trails require maintenance. Different surface and trail types have different maintenance needs. For example, concrete generally does not have issues with weeds growing in the tread area but will crack over time. Crushed limestone surfacing allows for weeds to grow in the tread area and may require mechanical or chemical weed control to satisfy trail users. Key items to schedule and costs to consider for trail maintenance include: • Mowing • Noxious weed control • General weed control • Trash pickup • Surface grading • Wood decking repair • Graffiti removal • Painting • Habitat enhancement • Tree trimming or removal • Grading and compacting surfacing • Snow removal • Culvert clearing • Events/community involvement • Sign replacements • Mapping • Boundary marking • Addressing encroachments • Post-storm event inspection It is beneficial to create a maintenance plan for your trail that addresses the above items and any others determined by your type of trail. Include timelines as to when and how often each should be assessed. It is also important to prioritize your maintenance needs because you may find that budgets won't satisfy everything at once. Having a good plan in place will prepare you to understand what the long-term care is and creates consistency amongst the land managers, their staff, and trail volunteers. Trail Maintenance Plan A trail maintenence plan should include: • Inventory of equipment, trail amenities, and signs • Maintenance and inspection schedule for all aspects of trail • How each item of maintenance should be completed • Replacement schedule of trail surface and equipment • Maintenance log information • Budgets • How to prioritize issues that come up on the trail Volunteers and park staff install a "jump-up" fence crossing on Black Hills Overlook Trail at Chadron State Park, allowing cyclists and hikers to cross while excluding livestock. Badger damage on the Cowboy Recreation and Nature Trail. Have a challenging maintenance issue? Reach out for a consultation! See page 34. 32 STEWARDSHIP AND LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT

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