It bothers me to no end that people have such cavalier excuses regarding why they don’t want to wear life jackets on the water in a boat.
In my 41 years at the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, I have seen my share of boating tragedies. I have seen the victims of boating fatalities who were not wearing their life jackets.
You never, ever forget them.
Often the victims died right in front of close family members and good friends who couldn’t do anything to help because the calamity happened so fast, in seconds, in dark water.
The truth is: Nobody plans on having a boating accident, let alone a fatality, but most of the boating-related fatalities that occur in Nebraska each year have one thing in common – the person who drowned was most likely not wearing their life jacket!
Annually in the U.S. the leading cause of death with recreational boating has been drowning, and 90 percent of those victims were not wearing life jackets, according to the Boat U.S. Foundation.
Just look at one of our neighboring states – Colorado. During the weekend of June 13 and 14, 2020, five people drowned in Colorado reservoirs. Colorado Parks and Wildlife reported none wore personal flotation devices.
With that in mind, we at the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission powerfully urge you to wear a life jacket when recreating on the water. The law states that every vessel, except sailboards, must carry one U.S. Coast Guard approved Type I, II, III or V flotation device of suitable size for each person on board; except that no child age 12 or under is allowed aboard any vessel when not wearing a life preserver or jacket of suitable size, except when waterfowl hunting in an anchored boat.

Jeff Clauson, Nebraska’s Boating Law Administrator and principal boating enforcement officer, says boating responsibly and properly wearing a life jacket can help keep you and your loved ones stay safe while still enjoying a great day on the water.

Over the years, Clauson has retrieved people from the water for different reasons, but when it comes to boating accidents, there is one common denominator he’s seen that separates what might have been a rescue from a recovery – a life jacket.
“When a person drowns in a boating accident, it’s most likely because they were not wearing their life jacket when they fell overboard or were ejected from a boat,” emphasized Clauson.
Interestingly, here are some of the repetitive excuses our Nebraska conservation officers hear each summer when it comes to why people (and their pets) do not duly wear life jackets on a vessel or in dark water.
“I have life jackets on board, we’ll each just grab one if we tip over.” And you have seat belts in your vehicle, but you still put them on as soon as you get in, right? Having life jackets on board your boat is not enough. Accidents happen way too fast to find and put on a stowed life jacket. With a capsize, add wave action or a river current, floating objects everywhere and disorientation, and it is virtually impossible to locate, grab and put on a life jacket in the water.

“Here put on this jacket, it’ll work fine.” A correctly sized life jacket in good and serviceable (fully functioning) condition will keep your head above water. Too big, and the life jacket will ride up around your face. Too small, it will not be able to keep your body afloat. Life jackets made for adults will not work for children and vice versa.
“I’m a strong swimmer and have no problem in deep water.” Really? The overwhelming majority of people who die in triathlons die while swimming. These are among the more fit people in the world! So, the point here is that even a strong swimmer needs to rightly wear a life jacket. During a boating mishap, clothing can become heavy or waterlogged in the water. Additionally, there is the possibility of getting injured in the mishap rendering yourself incapable of swimming; say after you hit your head. Properly designed life jackets keep the wearer’s head above water, even when they’re unconscious.
“It’s just a shallow sandbar, the kids don’t need life jackets.” What most folks don’t think about is when life jackets should be used off of or away from boats. If you have anyone that will be near or in the dark waters of rivers or lakes, no matter how shallow, they need to wear a life jacket! The wearing of a life jacket mitigates the other contributing factors in a wild environment such as: Strong currents, undertows, rough water, bottom contour changes, shifting sands, fluctuating water levels, sudden wind or waves or a snag just below the surface.

“It’s too hot, it ruins my tan and doesn’t look cool.” Old-fashioned, large, awkward orange or plaid life jackets have been replaced with new styles and colors that are U.S. Coast Guard approved, like inflatable life jackets that may resemble a pair of suspenders or a belt pack. These are much cooler in the warmer weather and won’t impact your tan much. Scott Eveland, Conservation Officer with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, said, “Unfortunately, when people think of life jackets, they often think of the bulky orange “horse-collar” style they were forced to wear as children and that scarred them for life.” Eveland stressed: “Step up and spend a bit more money than the minimum to get a comfortable life jacket you’ll actually wear!”
“It’s cumbersome and it gets in the way, especially while I am fishing.” There are U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket styles available for any recreational water activity – fishing, water sports, hunting, paddling and more. Make certain you know the types of life jackets or Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) and their intended uses and the buoyancy they provide.
“I have been boating for years, I know how to be safe, not a dang thing is going to happen to me.” Look, I have been living in the world for years and never needed a paramedic. Face it, boating incidents and accidents happen when you least expect them to happen. Boating is a fun and an enjoyable summer outdoor activity, but when life jackets are not used or worn appropriately by people on the water, consequences can be grim, if not devastating. A life jacket is one of the first things to drift away (usually along with the boat) and also one of the first things found by search and recovery personnel (usually far from where the body lies submerged.)
Hey, no big deal, we’re not that far from shore. It doesn’t take much water to drown, particularly if you are injured or unconscious. Just because you are relatively close to the shoreline doesn’t mean you’ll have the ability to make it there in the event of a boating accident. In fact, one-half of all recreational boating fatalities occur in calm water. These fatalities take place near the shore and are caused by drowning. Also, in most cases, life jackets were on board the vessels, but not worn.
“I don’t need a life jacket on that thing.” Know that kayaks, canoes, stand up paddle boards, inner tubes, fishing float tubes, inflatable rafts, stock tanks, paddle boats, water bikes, etc. are all subject to boating laws and regulations which include life jacket requirements. A vessel on Nebraska waters is described as a watercraft, other than a seaplane, that is capable of being used as a means of transportation on water. A stand up paddle boarder once asked to me: Who likes wearing a life jacket? My reply was: A survivor, that’s who!
“My dog doesn’t need a “doggie” life jacket, all dogs can swim.” It is a common misconception that all dogs can swim. While most canines may make it a short distance in the water, some breeds absolutely cannot. Dogs need a life jacket when swimming in swift currents, large waves, deep water, or big bodies of water where they may get tired easily. It is advisable for all dogs to wear life jackets when boating. And, dog life jackets come with leash attachments and safety grab handles that help if there is ever a “dog overboard” situation. By the way, there are even life jackets for cats and other pets.

For more information about boating safely and legally on Nebraska waters, go here. See the 2020 Nebraska Boating Guide informational booklet at this link.

Safe boating! GW

The post There is no excuse for not wearing a life jacket on the water! appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.