State Fair Time!

August 29, 2018 daryl bauer

Fish have been displayed at the Nebraska State Fair almost since there was a state fair.  We know live fish were displayed at the State Fair back in 1885, and they have been there almost every year since.  This year is no exception as fish were collected from all corners to the state and hauled to the state fair last week.  Fish are collected primarily by electrofishing, hauled on pickups and then displayed for the duration of the fair in our state-of-the-art, 5,000 gallon aquarium.  We try to display a variety of species of fish because Nebraska has a variety, but we always know that everyone loves BIG fish!



If you get to the fair, be sure to swing by and check out the fish!  You will find other neat activities and displays in the Game & Parks Commission area too, plan to meet there, plan to spend some time there!

Don’t forget to take a guess at the weight of the big catfish!


Oh, and of course make sure to score a corn dog, cherry limeade and some cotton candy while you are there!

Jordan Katt photos, thanks Jordan!

The post State Fair Time! appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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