Sip Nebraska wine festival to include craft beer tastings

April 13, 2017 Jerry Kane

LINCOLN, Neb. – Guests at the 2017 Sip Nebraska wine festival at Eugene T. Mahoney State Park May 5-6 will be able to sample local craft beers, wines and hard ciders.

Eight Nebraska breweries will attend the festival, including Empyrean Brewing of Lincoln, First Street Brewing of Hastings and Thunderhead Brewing of Kearney. The event will also feature nine wineries from across the state.

Guests also will be able to enjoy educational wine and craft beer sessions, artisan and food venders, and other activities. Ticket prices include park entry permits. A limited number of cabins, lodge rooms and campsites are being held for festival guests.

To learn more and purchase tickets, visit Call the park at 402-882-2448 to reserve lodging.


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