Redhead x Lesser Scaup (hybrid)

October 2, 2023 Silcock & Jorgensen

Aythya americana x AYTHYA affinis Status: Accidental in spring. Taxonomy: Redhead is known to have hybridized with each of the other four North American Aythya in the wild, Canvasback, Lesser Scaup, Greater Scaup, and Ring-necked Duck (Woodin and Michot 2020). Record: A drake was photographed in the Gavin’s Point Dam area, Cedar Co 1 and […]

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State Record Update, Fall 2023

There has not been a lot of activity on the state record fish front.  However, I do have a couple of new st...

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Just got word about current access to a couple of waterbodies.  I know it is fall and many of you will not ...