Nebraska Fishing

September 17, 2018 daryl bauer

Many years ago when I was going to school training to be a pointy-headed fish biologist, I never dreamed I would be doing what I am doing now.  Yes, I am referring to blogging, communicating, writing and speaking, informing and educating; that is pretty much what I do all of the time.  A big reason I am doing that now, and something we never dreamed of years ago, is this interwebby thing.  Simply put, the internet is an extremely valuable tool!

To further take advantage of the interwebs, we have started a new FaceBook group called “Nebraska Fishing”.


We hope this group becomes THE central point of communication for all things fish and fishing in Nebraska.  Yes, we intend to use this group to keep folks informed of what your Fisheries Division of the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission is doing, what projects we have ongoing, what we are seeing on the water.  We also hope this will be a place where folks share fishing reports, on-the-water observations, and of course, ask questions.

I completely realize that we are late to this party, that there are many other FaceBook groups, and on-line forums, that deal specifically with Nebraska fishing.  As a matter of fact, I have been an active participant in many of those groups and intend to continue!  However, we are excited about having a central place to host all of our Game & Parks Commission Fisheries content.

Even when I was a student, I made it a point to communicate with the public about the fisheries work in which I was involved.  It was my opinion then, and I have not experienced anything in my career to change my opinion that the public in general and anglers in particular are very interested in our fisheries resources and the work we do as stewards of those resources.  I have enjoyed sharing what I know about Nebraska fish and fishing in a variety of formats and I, and several other pointy-headed fisheries professionals, look forward to continuing that through our Nebraska Fishing FaceBook group.  I hope you will join us!

Daryl Bauer


The post Nebraska Fishing appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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