Just a week ago I posted a blog with some miscellaneous short news items (Miscellaneous News Items). Naturally, about as soon as I got that done, I got some pictures. So, I want to get those up here.
I mentioned a week ago that a new fishing dock was being installed in the northwest corner of Lake Ogallala. There was an old dock there and high winds took a toll on that old dock. So a new handicap-accessible dock has been installed and here is what it looks like:

I am told there might be some additional work on the approaches and stairs in the next year, but the dock is in place and ready for use right now.
I also want to mention that the Keith County Visitor’s Committee provided some financial support for this project, and I want to say “Thank you”!
Fall Surveys
Our field fisheries biologists around the state have been busy sampling fish this fall. We do that on a variety of waters across the state every fall and that data is invaluable in our stewardship of our fisheries resources.
As many of you know, we also summarize that data each fall, and use it to produce the annual fishing forecast. I have been receiving data summaries from several of our field biologists and am beginning to put it into spreadsheets so I can digest the numbers and predict where the best fishing will be next year. We should have the annual fishing forecast ready right around the first of the year like we do every year, and I see no reason this year should be any different. Until then, let me tease you with a couple of photos our North Platte crew sent me. These two fish were collected, and released, at Johnson Lake.

The post Miscellaneous Addendum appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.