Hunters reminded to gain permission on private property

November 17, 2017 Jerry Kane

LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission reminds hunters they must first gain permission before hunting on private property.

GPS mapping applications are a popular tool with many hunters. These apps may show some properties as public lands, such as the School Trust Lands held by the State of Nebraska. However, these school trust lands are leased by the Nebraska Board of Education Lands and Funds to private individuals and require permission to access them for hunting.

Nebraska conservation officers have received an increased number of trespassing complaints across the state because hunters are hunting land they believe is publicly accessible when it is not.

Game and Parks encourages hunters searching for publicly accessible properties to use the 2017 Public Access Atlas available at and from Game and Parks permitting offices.

Hunters are responsible for verifying that land is public or private before they hunt them.

The post Hunters reminded to gain permission on private property appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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