Liberalized Regulations at Standing Bear

October 31, 2022 daryl bauer

Again, I know this news will not be of interest to many, but there have been questions going around, and I want to get this out:

Fishing salvage allowed at Standing Bear Lake ahead of improvement project

Standing Bear Lake will be drawn down this winter to make way for boat ramp repairs, access and habitat improvements, and fisheries renovation at the Omaha water body. Public fish salvage will be allowed.

From Oct. 29, 2022, to March 31, 2023, anglers may salvage fish from the lake for human consumption by legal methods. Length limits will be rescinded during this period, but daily bag limits remain in effect.

Find information on bag limits in the Fishing Guide at

Fish salvage efforts previously were conducted by Game and Parks. Due to concerns about the spread of aquatic invasive species, salvaged fish cannot be sold or used for stocking into any other public or private water bodies by members of the public.

In the spring, the fishery will be chemically treated with rotenone to address the presence of undesirable fish, including common carp and yellow bass.

Anglers at Standing Bear Lake must have appropriate fishing licenses. Get one at

Funding is being provided by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Aquatic Habitat and Angler Access Fund.

Eric Fowler photo, Nebraskaland Magazine.

The post Liberalized Regulations at Standing Bear appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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