When heading out on frozen lakes or ponds to ice fish, you won’t want to leave home without these important items.
Even in a one-person ice shelter, there is room for essential ice-fishing items that you should never leave home without:
Tip-ups and ice fishing rods/reels
Ice shelter (anything to keep out of the wind)
Propane heater for cold days
Spud bar (for checking ice thickness)
Ice auger
Sled to carry auger and supplies
Five-gallon bucket to carry fishing equipment and sit on
Tackle: lures, jigs and bait, extra line, hook sharpener, bobbers, split shot, needle-nose pliers for hook removal and line cutting
Hand warmers and ice cleats
Flashlight and matches or lighter
GPS or fish locator
Ice picks (to pull yourself out if you fall through)
Ice scoop for removing slush from holes
Fishing license
50 feet of rope and life vests for safety
More tips:
- If you take your kids with you, also consider bringing snacks, extra clothing and gloves, tissues or a hanky, and extra sleds or ice skates to play with.
- Don’t forget to protect everyone’s eyes with sunglasses, as the sun and wind can burn them. Sunscreen and lip protection is a good idea to bring along as well.
- Lastly, no outing is complete without water to drink, some sandwiches or even soup, which is easily warmed on a cooker/heater or brought inside a thermos. ■
The post Ice Fishing To-Bring Checklist appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.