LINCOLN, Neb. – Start planning a 2020 spring turkey hunt today by downloading trip planners at the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s website.
These printable, species-specific trip planners – which are available for prairie grouse, quail, pheasant, upland bird mixed bag, mule deer and wild turkey – condense a variety of useful information into two easy-to-read pages.
Areas offering best hunting and public access opportunities for each respective species are highlighted in the trip planners. They reference lodging options, highlight other recreational activities in the area, and recommend mixed-bag opportunities that can add great variety to a hunting trip. Each trip planner lists season dates, necessary permits and other important information.
“Our diverse landscape and abundant public access make Nebraska a hunting destination for people from around the nation,” said John Laux, Game and Parks’ upland game program manager. “Today’s hunters have access to a wide variety of online resources available to help them plan their next successful hunt and Nebraska’s trip planners make it more convenient than ever.”
Download the trip planners at
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