I have blogged about fishing topwater baits several times (e.g. Top Edge , Topwater Bait Selection). Safe to say that catching fish on topwater baits is one of everyone’s favorite ways to catch fish. Also safe to say that right now, summer, is peak time for using topwaters.
However, if you have spent any time on the water, you know you better have a plan B, plan C, and a whole lot of other plans. Some days the fish, for whatever reason, just do not want to break the surface.
I stumbled on to this tip on the interwebs. It is a good one!
Now, don’t tell any of the bass jocks, but that tip is an excellent one for species other than black bass. It works great for wipers and white bass. Muskie anglers all talk about having a “throw back” lure tied on as well.
Make sure you throw a topwater yet this summer. While you are at it, make sure you have some change-ups ready to throw too!
The post Good Summer Tip appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.