I have always said that one of the best places to hang out if you want a good laugh is a boat ramp on a busy summer day. I have seen some pretty embarrassing things happen there, boats launched on the concrete instead of in the water, boats that would not come off of the trailer because the tie-downs were still attached, bad backing, water rushing in over the stern, etc., etc. Practice makes perfect and there are a lot of folks that just plain need more practice.
I observed a regional TBF bass tournament just across the border on the Missouri River in SoDakota one summer. On a double-lane boat ramp, you would be amazed how fast 50 or so bass boats can be launched and recovered. Pointy-headed fish biologists that spend a lot of time on the water usually get pretty good around boat ramps too. However, I have not seen anyone quite as good as the guy featured in these videos and certainly no one as cool as this guy:
I believe those are boating safety commercials that run “across the pond”. I think they are hilarious. But notice the messaging–wear your life jacket, use the kill switch, and do not drink and boat! The videos might be funny, but they teach a lot too!
Hope you have a chance to get on the water, maybe catch some fish, this weekend. Have fun, but be safe! GO FISH!
The post Clear Head, Smooth Sailing appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.