Busiest Time of Year

December 16, 2016 daryl bauer

If you are like me, your calendar is full of “stuff” to do this time of year.  I am trying get stuff finished up here at the office so I can get outta here so I can get other “stuff” done at home.  Ah, the holidays, don’t ya love ’em?

Our family has been a little later with the holiday illumination this year; we have been waiting for my daughter to get home from college.  She’s home now, think I got that little chore done.

christmas lights_zps6s8f3tuz

I have been hearing something about another Star Wars movie.  I do not really know a whole lot about that, do not think I will have time to see it.  I would rather be on the ice!


Obviously, I stole that photo off the interwebby someplace.  Looks like that is Brad Hawthorne’s ice fishing rig.  He must be some kind of Star Wars geek, some kind of a “Luke Icewalker”

Think I might have to look him up!

Have a great weekend everyone!  Hope you get your Christmas decorating done!  “Hope you find your dad!”  (EDITOR’S NOTE:  Last quote was an obscure reference to the Christmas movie Elf, Sorry).

Hurry up! It’s first ice and there are fish waiting to be caught!

The post Busiest Time of Year appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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