Yesterday was a holiday, President’s Day, and I had the day off. Never fear, I went fishing, actually got on the ice one last time for this season. Don’t worry, George Washington would have approved!

Actually, I recently learned that President Washington liked to fish! He did some profitable commercial fishing at Mt. Vernon, and took opportunities to fish other places too. However, I doubt he dried off any stripers while crossing the Delaware.
Tomorrow evening I will be in York at this event:
I do not plan to be a big part of the program tomorrow night, but I will be there, will have some materials to hand out, and some Nebraska fish pictures to show. If you are in the area, this is a great event for a good cause, please stop by! Eat a sandwich, say “hi”, ask some questions, tell me a fish story or three!
The post A Note and An Event appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.