Youth Fishing Instructor Workshops

April 16, 2021 daryl bauer

Maybe things are beginning to trend back to some sort of normalcy.  We are starting to talk about events and programs again.

You may have seen this advertised already, I know it has been “around”.  But, I want to make sure it gets “around” even more:

Game and Parks will certify youth fishing instructors

LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will certify youth fishing instructors at workshops in Lincoln and Kearney in the coming months.

Instructors are part of the Youth Fishing Program, a statewide team of volunteers and Game and Parks staff who host educational fishing events.

Trainings will take place in Lincoln at the Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St., on April 18 and May 16. Another will be May 2 in Kearney at the Nebraska Firefighter Museum, 2834 E. 1st St. All trainings will be held from 2-6 p.m. Central time.

Workshop participants will receive training and tools to conduct youth fishing clinics. These volunteers will have access to Game and Parks’ loaner fishing equipment and educational materials for events. They also will receive program incentives. Instructors are encouraged to volunteer for such Game and Parks programs as Community Fishing Nights and the Outdoor Expos.

Contact Larry Pape at to register, which is preferred but not required.

Again, I say this every time I blog about our youth fishing instructors, please get involved if you can!  You will find the experience to be very rewarding; a great way to give back!

And, again, thank you!  There are a lot of things we do that we simply could not if it were not for the volunteer help!


The post Youth Fishing Instructor Workshops appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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