Youth Fishing Instructor Certification

October 16, 2017 daryl bauer

Our volunteer, certified, youth fishing instructors are a huge help in many of our aquatic education efforts.  If you are an avid angler and would like to help out, would like to give back to the sport and resource, becoming a certified youth fishing instructor would be a great way to do it.  Here is another opportunity for certification:

Become a certified youth fishing instructor Oct. 21 in Lincoln

LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will certify youth fishing instructors Oct. 21 at Lincoln’s Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St.

This free workshop is scheduled 9 a.m. to noon.

Youth fishing instructors will receive training and tools to conduct fishing clinics. These volunteers will have access to Game and Parks’ loaner fishing equipment and educational materials for events, as well as receive program incentives. They also are encouraged to volunteer for such Nebraska Game and Parks programs as Family Fishing Nights and the Outdoor Expos.

Contact Larry Pape at to register. Pre-registration is preferred but not required.

If you are interested, check it out, and once again a big THANK YOU to those of you who have already been certified and put that certification to use!


The post Youth Fishing Instructor Certification appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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