I know this news release previously went out. There has been some discussion about this already and some questions answered. However, I have also learned that just the time you think everyone has heard the news about something, well, they have not. So, I am going to send this around again:
Wildwood WMA east entrance, ramp to close temporarily for boat access project
Wildwood Wildlife Management Area’s boat ramp and east parking area will close temporarily for a boat launch improvement project beginning July 31.
This closure, east access road off NW 84th Street, leading to the boat ramp and parking lot at the WMA south of Valparaiso, is expected to last 6 to 8 weeks. All other access roads and parking lots at Wildwood WMA will remain open.
This project will address issues of heaved and cracked concrete on the boat ramp. Other aspects of the project include:
-Shoreline riprap will be added near the boat ramp to protect it.
-Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant parking and sidewalk access to the boat ramp and fishing pier will be upgraded to meet current standards.
-The layout of the parking lot will be modified to improve visibility and traffic flow, with wooden posts (bollards) and cable railing being used to guide the parking of trucks and trailers.
-A rock shore launch for paddle craft will be built to reduce congestion at the boat ramp. Near that launch, a semi-circle loading/unloading zone will be added.
Overall, renovation of the boat launch facility will greatly improve functionality and benefit users for many years that this popular fishing area.
This is a joint project between the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District.
This project is made possible through a Sport Fish Restoration grant, the Nebraska Game and Parks Aquatic Habitat Stamp – which accompanies the permit anglers purchase – and funding from the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District.
Questions can be directed to ngpc.boataccess@nebraska.gov.
The consulting group working on this project have developed a concept drawing. Check it out!

The post Wildwood Boat Access Work appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.