Videos of Spring Fisheries Meetings

April 3, 2023 daryl bauer

I know many of you were able to “zoom” in on one or more of our regional fisheries meetings a couple of weeks ago.  I know that even more of you have already discovered the videos that were posted and watched them.  Still going to mention this however, because I learned a long time ago that just when you think everyone has heard about something, you find out that is far from the truth.

So, if you have not had a chance here are the recordings of the fisheries meetings we had:

First was the southeast regional meeting:

Next the northwest regional meeting:


Now let me say you can watch three and a half minutes of the southwest meeting:

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, that is it.  So, no, we do not have a video of the southwest regional meeting.  Also unfortunately, there is no video of the fisheries meeting that was recently held at Lake McConaughy.

One thing you will find in all of those videos is contact information for our regional fisheries staff.  Feel free to contact us if you have questions about something.  Feel free to contact me, anytime, , 402-471-5005.



The post Videos of Spring Fisheries Meetings appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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