Updates, Water Keeps A-Coming

May 28, 2019 daryl bauer

I realize that the big Memorial Day weekend is behind us, so when I mention these updates, some of you are going to say, “Thanks for nothing, wish you would have told me this five days ago”.  Sorry.  However, in my defense, a couple of these just came across the wire:

Flooding prompts Cottonwood Lake closure

MERRIMAN, Neb. — Cottonwood Lake State Recreation Area in north-central Nebraska has been temporarily closed because rains have flooded the park’s access road and portions of its camping area.

The park will be reopened after the flood waters recede and the grounds are ready for visitors.

Cottonwood Lake SRA, which includes the 60-acre lake and 180 additional acres near Merriman in the Sandhills, is managed by nearby Bowring Ranch State Historical Park.

Bob Grier photo, NEBRASKAland Magazine.

Some access temporarily closed at Big Alkali Lake

LINCOLN, Neb. – High water and forecasted heavy rain at Big Alkali Lake Wildlife Management Area have forced the temporary closure to vehicle access of the rental cabins and recreational vehicle camping pads on the east side of the fish camp. Only foot traffic is allowed.

The rest of the area remains open to all access. Access may be closed with little notice due to water over the entrance road.

Eric Fowler photo, NEBRASKAland Magazine.

Rains cause flooding on some southeastern WMAs

LINCOLN, Neb. – Recent heavy rains have caused flooding on some wildlife management areas (WMA) in southeastern Nebraska.

Water is over the west road leading into Yankee Hill WMA in Lancaster County, resulting in the road closure until water recedes.

Caution should be used when accessing any WMA in southeastern Nebraska because of potentially dangerous water conditions.

Eric Fowler photo, NEBRASKAland Magazine

Community Fishing Night cancelled at Lincoln’s Holmes Lake

LINCOLN, Neb. – The Community Fishing Night event scheduled for Tuesday, May 28 at Lincoln’s Holmes Lake has been cancelled by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

Parking lots and the trail around the lake flooded after heavy rain brought the lake level up.

For a complete schedule of other fishing events scheduled by Game and Parks this summer, visit outdoornebraska.gov/familyfishing/.

Let me add something to that last news release.  Summer is here now and so is our full schedule of fishing events!  One of those may have been cancelled tonight, but there are a whole lot more to come!

Full slate of fishing events scheduled this summer

LINCOLN, Neb. – Fishing season is here, and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has lined up a series of events for anglers of all ages.

Community Fishing Nights, formerly known as Family Fishing Nights, are held at lakes and ponds across the state. They are designed to introduce or reintroduce families and individuals to fishing. At these events, Game and Parks staff and certified fishing instructors teach people of all ages who have never been fishing or haven’t fished for years the basics of this fun and relaxing activity. Loaner equipment and bait are available. All fishing regulations apply.

Game and Parks also added some special fishing events geared toward adults:

Discover Flying Fishing – Learn about all things fly fishing, from equipment, fly tying and casting. Loaner fly rods will be available.

Discover Catfish Fishing – These events are held in conjunction with Community Fishing Nights, only later in the evening. Participants can learn the basics of catfishing, from bait and equipment to techniques. Anglers are encouraged to bring a lawn chair, but all fishing equipment will be provided.

Fishing with Friends – Join like-minded individuals and bring a friend or two to this fun, educational event. Beyond fishing, participants can learn how to clean and cook fish. Experts will be on hand to teach kayak fishing. A vendor will be on-site with information on how to purchase a kayak. Equipment will be provided.

For the complete schedule of fishing events, visit outdoornebraska.gov/familyfishing.


Community Fishing Events 2019.


The post Updates, Water Keeps A-Coming appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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