Some times I have a plan for blog posts, have an idea what I am going to blog about days in advance.
And some days I have no idea.
Today was one of those days, then I started going through my e-mails and something fell into my lap. Well, not literally falling into my lap, maybe fell into my ears would be a better description. . . .
I have told you before about, a project I was introduced to a year ago, “preserving the cultural and historic artifacts of the fishing community. Recording angler voices, wisdom, advice, stories, and conversations for future generations.” I told you about participating, recording some of my stories and thoughts about our sport and our resources. Even better is spending some time looking there and listening to the wealth of information and some really great stories by a variety of anglers, some you might know, some you may never meet, but great stories nonetheless.
My e-mail this morning was a notice about one of the most recent stories, one about “Snapper Dave” up in SoDakota. Yes, it is a 36-minute recording, but a very interesting and entertaining story! I listened to it, my office mates had to listen too because they could overhear it. We loved it. What a great story! If you have some time, Do It!
That got me to thinking, remembering a story about our own Nebraska “Turtle Men”:
Yes, that is another 5+ minutes of something to watch, but hey, it’s the weekend, you got time, and I bet you will enjoy it!
I love the stories, and I love the preservation of those stories. That is why I love what is doing! Wish that was available to record some of the stories I remember from my granddads, uncles and father. What I wouldn’t give to listen to them today!

The post Turtle Men appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.