Trumpeter swans, Pine Ridge forestry highlighted in June Nebraskaland

June 1, 2020 Jerry Kane

LINCOLN, Neb. – The trumpeter swans of the Sandhills and forestry work in the Pine Ridge are among the many topics featured in the 74-page June issue of Nebraskaland Magazine.

Mark Vrtiska, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission waterfowl program manager, writes about the research of trumpeter swan reproduction in the Sandhills.

Regional editor Justin Haag’s article about forestry in the Pine Ridge details the collaborative work between landowners and governmental agencies for a more sustainable future for the region’s landscape, which was ravaged by catastrophic wildfires in 2006 and 2012.

Anglers who like to tinker will especially take interest in editor Jeff Kurrus’ article about Lincoln angler Glen Oliver’s collection of fishing lures that he made from items often found in a junk drawer.

Also, Game and Parks botanist Gerry Steinauer conveys efforts to restore saltwort, an endangered plant in Nebraska, to the salt marshes of Lancaster County.

Other features include Lincoln photographer Chris Masada’s collection of outstanding wildlife images taken not far from his home and hunting dog training tips by Todd Mills.

Introduced with the name Outdoor Nebraska in 1926, Nebraskaland is the conservation and parks magazine of the Commission. With remarkable photography from staff and readers, the publication offers a wide variety of tips for enjoying the outdoors, recipes and stories about Nebraska’s natural resources and history.

The magazine is available by subscription or at retailers throughout the state. To subscribe or read the digital version, visit

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