LINCOLN, Neb. – Catching fish is fun and addicting. The more fish you catch, the more you want to keep fishing.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission encourages experienced anglers to share that feeling and introduce people to fishing in the third year of Take ’em Fishing.
Experienced anglers who participate will know they’ve introduced someone to an activity they can enjoy for a lifetime, while also sharing their love of the sport.
“Most everyone who loves to fish learned with the help of someone else. It is important to help more people know that fishing is a fun, convenient activity that is good for your health and well-being and helps you get in touch with nature,” said Dean Rosenthal fisheries administrator. “There are plenty of opportunities to take a beginner fishing in Nebraska and we have resources on our website for people looking for places to go.”
As an incentive, participants who submit a photo of their trip with a beginner angler between April 15 and Sept. 15 will be eligible for prizes, including a Bass Tracker boat, state park stay, kayak, fishing rod, gift cards and more.
Take ’em Fishing has annually grown. There were 4,700 entries in the first year and 6,195 last year.
Visit for more information.
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