Solar Eclipse, Part Deux

April 3, 2024 daryl bauer

Chances are you have heard about the solar eclipse coming next Monday, April 8.  If you were around these parts seven years ago, you experienced a total solar eclipse right here in Nebraska.  This time, Nebraska is not in the path of totality.  That don’t mean nothing.  It still should be a spectacular event.  All of Nebraska will be able to see at least 60% coverage of the sun.  Go HERE for a map that displays the extent of the eclipse for all of the U.S.  To get even more specific, this U.S. Navy website can be used to calculate the exact timing and extent for any location (NOTE: subtract 5 hours from the UT).

Remember, DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN!  If you can find them, get some eclipse glasses.

ISO-approved total solar eclipse glasses. Photo by Greg Wagner/Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

Or, get creative and use some other viewing device, Eclipse Safety.

OK, “blah, blah, solar eclipse, blah, blah”.  What will the fishing be like!?

I can tell you that during the last solar eclipse, a total eclipse, my son and I were on an Interstate lake trying to catch bass.  We figured the low-light conditions would result in some feeding activity.  Well, not so much.  Remember, the last solar eclipse we experienced was during the middle of the day in August.  We did not experience the hoped-for late evening bite.

In spite of that, it does not mean I will not be on the water trying to catch fish again during this eclipse!  We will see. . . .


The post Solar Eclipse, Part Deux appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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