So, You Think You Caught a Big One?

August 24, 2022 daryl bauer

You likely have heard about this story, it is all over and I suspect it is going to go even further. . . . I might as well put it in a blog post too. . . .

A Nebraska angler, Andy Moore, was recently fishing up on the Missouri River in northeast Nebraska when he hooked into a fish.  It was a big fish, a really big fish.  It was an old fish, a really old fish.  Listen to Andy re-tell the story on KFAB radio:

Ian Swanson Show on KFAB

Essentially, Andy caught what was left of a big, toothy, tarpon that swam over Nebraska a long time ago.  It is one of the most amazing “fish stories” I have ever heard!

Here is an artist rendition of what that fish might have looked like:

ДиБгд at Russian Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Here is some more information:

Andy Moore photo.

To put it in perspective, here is what Andy caught:

Andy Moore photo.

Now I know some of you are wondering. . .the fish was caught on a jig with a plastic trailer.

Andy is a very accomplished angler.  He is to be complimented not just on this “catch”, but on doing the right thing with it.  Besides being a great stick, he is an ethical outdoorsman and because of that this unbelievable catch will be shared with all of us.  Thanks, Andy, and Congratulations!

The post So, You Think You Caught a Big One? appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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