Siouxland Fly Fishing Club

June 23, 2017 daryl bauer

Heading north again to meet with my friends in the Siouxland Fly Fishing Club.  They meet every month at the Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center on the edge of Sioux City.  If I remember right, they get together to do a little fly-tying at 9:00 a.m., meeting starts at 10:00, and I will start rambling some time shortly after that.  This time I have a program on the role of fish stocking in fisheries management to share with them.


Once again I will tell you that one of the best ways to improve as an angler is to find a group like the Siouxland Fly Fishing Club, join, and get involved.  If you can make it to the meeting this Saturday, make sure to say “Hi”!


The post Siouxland Fly Fishing Club appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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