Schramm Education Center to host Conversations with Your Conservation Officer

March 12, 2020 Jerry Kane

LINCOLN, Neb. – Learn more about how Nebraska Game and Parks conservation officers protect the state’s natural resources and serve Nebraskans at Conversations with Your Conservation Officer, March 14-15 and April 18-19.

Hosted at the Schramm Education Center in Gretna, the presentations will offer the public the chance to ask questions, hear stories, and learn more about the role of a conservation officer. An educational trailer will also be available that sheds light on the issue of wildlife poaching in Nebraska.

The presentations are free to the public and located in the center’s classroom, which is accessible through the west entrance. Visitors who wish to tour Schramm Education Center must pay admission and enter through the main entrance. No park permit is required in the center’s parking lot. Contact Amber Schiltz for more information at or 402-332-5022.

The post Schramm Education Center to host Conversations with Your Conservation Officer appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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