LINCOLN, Neb. — Rock Creek Lake State Recreation Area and Rock Creek Hatchery in Dundy County are closed until further notice after a Thursday night storm washed out access roads.
The storm dumped enough rain that Rock Creek Lake rose 10 inches, said Beau Licking, Enders and Rock Creek Lake SRA superintendent. The north entrance to the state recreation area, sections of Rock Creek Lake Road to the hatchery, and portions of roads within the park are impassable.
Park staff are assessing the extent of the road damage on Friday. Until roads are repaired, the park and hatchery will be closed to guest traffic, including for tours, camping or recreation.
“Visitor safety is our highest priority,” Licking said, “and we are taking the necessary steps to restore access in a timely manner.”
Parks staff also noted another severe storm is expected to pass through the area this weekend, potentially deteriorating roads further. If conditions change, updates will be made at

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