Ring-necked Duck x scaup sp. (hybrid)

January 8, 2024 Silcock & Jorgensen

Aythya collaris x AYTHYA AFFINIS/MARILA. Status: Accidental in fall. Record: There is one record of this hybrid combination, a single at Gering WTP, Scotts Bluff Co 31 Oct 2023 (Mlodinow, eBird.org). Comments: There are numerous records across North America of this hybrid combination (eBird. org, accessed Jan 2024), which is reportable to eBird for scaup […]

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Foraging for Edible Wild Plants (or Parts Thereof) in Winter

Wait, what? Foraging for Edible Wild Plants (or Parts Thereof) in Winter, seriously? Yup! Trust me. Don’t s...

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Ring-necked Duck x Lesser Scaup (hybrid)

Aythya collaris x AYTHYA affinis Status: Rare winter visitor statewide. Records: There are 10 records, the ...