
January 6, 2023 daryl bauer

The calendar says this is the first week of a new year.  I guess some folks like to commemorate the occasion by making resolutions.  I have always thought that whole practice was kind of silly.  If you want to do something different with your life, why wait until the calendar says January?  Just “Get-R-Done”!

However, if you take your fishing as seriously as I do, you may want to set some goals.  The best part about setting goals for your fishing is it pretty much means you have to fish more!



You really need to make sure you are doing your best with every minute you have on the water; be sure your head is in the game:


That means you have to focus, and surround yourself with others who have the same focus:


Maybe you need to take your fishing to the next level?  Maybe you need to discover it ain’t about filling the freezer?


And really it ain’t about being better than the next guy:


Hope you did not mind my sharing a bunch of memes I have “stolen”.  Hope your fishing this year is better than it has ever been!


The post Resolutions appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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