“Not Like It Used To Be”

July 7, 2023 daryl bauer

You all know this was a holiday week, and like many of you, I was “outta the office” for much of the week.  Then I had some “technical difficulties” making a blog post.  As a result, I just posted yesterday, going to follow that up with another one today.  Like I will tell you with everything I post, you can take it or leave it.

It is the end of a short week.  I am going to keep it light.  I got a kick out of this short clip from Hank Patterson:

Know the feeling?  I often wonder if things we experienced when we were younger just seem like they were better than now?  I believe it has something to do with encountering things for the first time?

Or maybe it is just because the older I get, the better I was?

We often believe things are greener on the other side of the fence or “back in the day”!  Saved a quote from a fellow biologist here at Game & Parks, a wildlife biologist, about the grass always being greener:

The grass is always greener, sometimes it just looks that way, sometimes it’s because it’s cut differently, sometimes it’s the dirt, and sometimes it’s manure.

Have a great weekend, spend some time on the water, appreciate every second of it.  Appreciate every fish you catch!


The post “Not Like It Used To Be” appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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