News Item, McConaughy Boat Docks

December 11, 2023 daryl bauer

I hope you do not think I post these news items on my blog just for filler.  I guess if you do, you can always choose not to read.  Whatever.

Nonetheless, I learned a long time ago that no matter how much you publicize things, there will always be someone who does not hear.  I know this news release has been around for a few days; I am going to spread it around again, some more, especially with the stinkin’ warm weather in the forecast.  (Yes, I want ice and I want it now!)

Also, I know that this will not interest a lot of you, but there are still a few that will want to know:

All but one dock pulled from Lake McConaughy

All but one dock will be pulled from the water at Lake McConaughy State Recreation Area. This is due to wind, ice and blowing sand.

The only boat ramp in service is at Diver’s Bay. This dock will be pulled out when ice build-up on the lake or on the ramp and dock surface makes it unsafe to use. This dock also will be pulled halfway out of the water when forecasts call for winds to blow greater than 20 mph.


The post News Item, McConaughy Boat Docks appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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