I love Nebraska’s sandhills. The original Bauer homestead was on the western edge of those beautiful hills. As a child, my first residence was just a couple of miles from there. Although I have not lived directly in the ‘hills for most of my life, I have always felt I was going home whenever I get back there. I do that every chance I get.
It thrills me that the University of Nebraska Press has recently published The Nebraska Sandhills.
This news release from the University will give you a good idea of what the book is about: New book celebrates natural, human elements of Nebraska Sandhills.
The book contains nearly forty essays that thoroughly cover the sandhills, its flora and fauna, water, and its people. Yes, that includes fish! You might even know some of the authors of those essays.
Check it out!
The post Nebraska Sandhills appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.