Merritt Road Work

April 29, 2024 daryl bauer

Going to spread some news around some more today.  If you fish Merritt Reservoir, this will affect you this year:

Highway project underway around Merritt

A highway widening and resurfacing project is underway on Highway 97 around Merritt Reservoir State Recreation Area southwest of Valentine. Visitors can expect delays.

The Nebraska Department of Transportation is working on the 5-mile stretch from Merritt Dam Road to Snake River Road. The project will include asphalt resurfacing, pavement widening, culvert work and grading.

While guests still will have access to the SRA through the current entrance, some campground entrances will be moved during the project. Traffic will be maintained by a pilot car.

NDOT requests motorists drive cautiously in and near work zones, buckle up and avoid cellphone use when driving.

Eric Fowler photo, Nebraskaland Magazine.

The post Merritt Road Work appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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