Meanwhile, On the Walleye Front

April 8, 2024 daryl bauer

Want to mention a couple of things today, both of them related to walleyes. . . .

First of all, we are in the middle of our annual walleye egg collections.  If you have been on Sherman or Merritt reservoirs, you likely have, or will see our crews, and nets.  If you want some more idea of what they are doing, may I suggest an old blog post, Walleye Spawn.


If you see the nets in the water, please avoid them.  You do not want to lose an expensive crankbait, and we do not want them in our nets!

The other thing I want to bring up again is a reminder:

POSTER - NEBRASKA - Midwest walleye challenge - .jpg

Check it out!  Sign up!

There is a FaceBook page for the challenge.  Go see some of the fish that are being caught and entered!  Midwest Walleye Challenge FaceBook page.

The post Meanwhile, On the Walleye Front appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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