Just Fish It!

June 16, 2023 daryl bauer

It is Friday.  Another weekend is upon us.  For many of us, that means at least a little time on the water!  We need it!  We have earned it!

You know I have a ton of fish pictures.  I keep taking them, but I love seeing fish pictures from others too.  I never get tired of them.

Saved a quote from a wise fishing friend about all those fish pictures, those “hero shots”:

The “Hero Shot” pose is a standard practice by Stewards of our FISHES with the HERO being the FISH!  The pose shows respect to the fish by the Angler properly handling it (not “hanging” by the gills, lips, etc.) and by extending the arms so the fish is at the forefront of the photo.  The intent is NOT to mislead the viewers on the size, but to promote the “Hero” status of the catch.–Harold

It ain’t about the angler.  It is about THE FISH!  You nailed it, Harold!

And I wonder if we sometimes forget about that?

It is also about more than that. . . .

It is the weekend, Father’s Day weekend.  I have been thinking about that this week.  Had a hard time deciding what to blog about today.

A lot of memories come rushing back.  Maybe that is what it is all about?  The fish, the memories?

All the rest of it is just baloney.

I posted this video in a blog a few years back.  I see that the video link was no longer active in that blog post.  Good excuse to post it again.

Fish it well.  Fish it well this weekend.  If you can, fish it well with your dad, granddads, kids, someone special to you.  Take pictures.  Make memories.  Take pictures of the fish and the people who caught them.  They, the fish and the people, are all special.

Someday you will be glad you did.

Have a great weekend everyone!


The post Just Fish It! appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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