I Have Seen that Face Before

October 21, 2022 daryl bauer

Got a message from an angler a week ago who had some questions I could answer.  I get a lot of those.  He mentioned that he had caught a big tiger trout.  That piqued my interest, so I asked how big?  He answered and sent a photo.

Adam Prier photo. Thanks Adam.

I took one look at the photo and knew I had seen that fish before!  (I get around, I know a lot of fish!)


Check out the markings!  Same exact fish!  I had caught, and released, the same fish from the same water last year in September.

Want me to crawl up on my catch & release “soap box” again?

Lee Wulff said it best:

The finest gift you can give to any fisherman is to put a good fish back, and who knows if the fish that you caught isn’t someone else’s gift to you?

Adam put that fish back.  I am going to go back and catch it again.  It looks like it is getting bigger!

Adam went on to share that he had a buddy with him and they had traveled to Nebraska to pursue our Trout Slam!  His buddy blogged about it on the Ozark Anglers online forum.  They did not mind if I shared that here:

Westward we go again

I hope you took the time to read it.  It is a good write-up and I love hearing the perspective from other anglers, in this case, out-of-state anglers.  When I asked Adam if he minded my sharing the photo and blog, he said, “Go for it, some of the best fish we have caught doing state slams!”

Wow.  Thanks, Adam and Devan!

And, nice fish, really nice fish!  Thanks for turning it loose!

The post I Have Seen that Face Before appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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