Hard Cards

July 10, 2023 daryl bauer

I want to mention something new being offered to our Nebraska hunting and fishing permit holders.  Many of you probably already received an e-mail on this, but in case you did not notice. . . .

You can purchase a collectible “hard card”:

Collectible Hard Cards Make Life Easier!

As a lifetime hunting or fishing permit holder, we thought you’d like to know about a convenient, collectible new option that’s only $6: all lifetime permit and stamp information can now be printed on these durable, attractive cards. The cards are waterproof, so you won’t have to worry about wear and tear while you’re enjoying the great outdoors.

Choose from two beautiful wildlife designs  – the pheasant by Ed Anderson and the crappie by Bryan Owens. These credit card size cards are shipped to you within ten business days. Order today and keep a copy in your tackle box, truck or wallet.

Yes, I have a lifetime hunt/fish combo, and yes, the paper copy in my wallet is looking a little faded.  Maybe this “hard card” thing is a good idea?!

If you are interested, follow that “Buy a Permit” button.


The post Hard Cards appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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