I always do a short blog post before heading out the door for the Thanksgiving holiday. Problem is I feel like I say the same thing year after year.
Like many of you, I will be traveling, weather permitting, and spending time with family. One of the themes I repeat every Thanksgiving is that between feasting and time with family, a few of us will slip away to chase some roosters or perhaps dry off a fish or three. Again, the outdoor activities will be weather permitting, I will let you know how it goes.
I have commented about the origins and history of Thanksgiving before. If you have any familiarity with United States history, you do not need me to repeat that. However, it is good to be reminded that we have a lot for which to be thankful. Like the first Thanksgiving, we should be thankful for freedom, for friends and family, health, the abundance of the land and waters.
I am thankful that I interact with a lot of people in my position with the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission. I listen to a lot of folks. Naturally, some of the feedback is negative–how the hunting or fishing ain’t as good as it used to be, or as good as it should be. If there is a problem, I want to know about it. But, if you wanted to dwell on problems, I could write months of blogs about the challenges, threats and issues our natural resources face.
That would get old.
And, that ain’t what Thanksgiving is about.
From time to time, someone shares with me successes and experiences in Nebraska’s great outdoors. Those remind me how good we really have it. How much we should be thankful. I especially appreciate hearing the accounts of visitors to our state, their impressions are a welcome perspective.
Or, the smiling faces shared in our Take ‘Em Hunting or Take ‘Em Fishing challenges.

That is what it really is all about, time spent in the field and on the water with family and friends. We can be thankful for that!
At the least, the sunsets are gorgeous!
My pastor challenged us this month to make a list; each day list five things for which you can be thankful. No, I am not going to publish my list here, but take that challenge. It is not hard, it is easy to come up with a long list, especially if you spend time in the field and on the water. In the process, it will change your attitude.
Drive safe everyone. Have a great Thanksgiving. Be thankful.
The post Happy Thanksgiving, 2019 appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.