LINCOLN, Neb. – Free Fishing and Park Entry Day in Nebraska has been rescheduled for Saturday, Sept. 12.
September is a great month to get outdoors in Nebraska! Free Fishing and Park Entry Day allows anyone to explore outdoor opportunities at any Nebraska state park, state recreation area or state historical park without the need to purchase a park entry permit for the day. It also allows anyone to fish for the day without a fishing permit.
Anglers must observe all fishing regulations. Camping, lodging and all other user fees still apply at state park areas. Regular entrance fees for museums at state historical parks and the entrance fee at the Schramm Education Center remain in effect.
This family-friendly day typically is held annually in Nebraska on the Saturday preceding Memorial Day weekend, however, this year’s event was delayed because of the COVID-19 health crisis.
To find more information about Nebraska’s state park areas and fishing, visit
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