I am going to be lazy today. I do not often do this, only once in a while. . . .
My blog post today is simply going to be to share with you something one of my co-bloggers recently posted. Greg Wagner is one of my best buddies here at Game & Parks. We talk frequently, and often discuss current topics and potential content for our blogs. We have both been blogging for several years now, and have learned that when your subject matter is the outdoors the same topics come up every year about the same time. Yes, we often blog about the same topics at the same times every year.
The calendar says “March” and that means we are all chomping at the bit for spring and spring fishing. However, with its relatively cold water and schizophrenic weather, I consider early spring to be one of the toughest times of the year to catch fish. We cannot wait to catch ’em, but sometimes “Mother Nature” dictates that we are going to need even more patience.
However, there are some tips to keep in mind. If you have fished for any time you know that knowledge is the key to success. There are always little tricks and tips, sometimes big tips and tricks, that make all the difference in the world. Greg captured several of them in his recent blog post, and yes, quoted me in several places.
I have heard several questions about early spring fishing in the past few days. So, I might as well share this some more! Click on the link, take some time to read it. Then, GO FISH!
Early Spring, Ice-Out Fishing Tips
Nicely done, Greg! Thanks!
The post Early Spring Fishing Tips appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.