LINCOLN, Neb. – The deadline to submit public input to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission on potential changes to duck zone and goose unit boundaries for 2021-2022 is Nov. 30.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) allows changes to duck zone boundaries every five years, and Game and Parks has paired this with dark (Canada) goose unit boundary changes.
Duck zones and goose units provide an opportunity to coordinate duck and goose migration patterns and hunter preferences with hunting season dates for different areas within a state. The opportunity provided by USFWS to change zone boundaries allows Game and Parks to survey hunters about their preferences.
Hunters can find more information and provide input by visiting Download maps and follow instructions provided to submit input. Potential changes will be evaluated and additional information may be sought.
“It is equally important to provide your input if you are satisfied with the current duck zone or goose unit boundaries, or if you would like to see changes made,” said Mark Vrtiska, Game and Parks’ waterfowl program manager.
The post Deadline to submit input on potential waterfowl changes is Nov. 30 appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.