Cultured Like Cheese

August 11, 2023 daryl bauer

It is Friday.  I always try to lighten up a bit on Fridays.  It is the weekend!

This blog post is not going to be about Nebraska hunting or fishing, my usual topics, but it may explain a few things about me.  If you think that will be a waste of your time, don’t read any further.

On the other hand, have a hunch that I have a lot in common with some of you. . . .

I have a somewhat warped sense of humor.  In my opinion, the pinnacle of cartoon artistry, creativity, and comedy was Looney Tunes.  Put one of those on the flat screen and I will be laughing, out loud, as the biggest kid in the room, to this day.  Ask my family.

Now some consider many of us native to this portion of the planet to be somewhat “backwards”, “hicks”, “hay-seeds”.  They will go so far as to suggest that we ain’t got any culture.  BALONEY!  I have been cultured like cheese!  Just because my culture does not fit the mold of someone else’s “culture”.


So let me leave you with a YouTube clip of the highest of culture:

Hope you are laughing right along with me, and hope you have a great weekend.  Laughter, family, and some time on the water or in the field is all good for you!  Lighten up!

The post Cultured Like Cheese appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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