Cornhusker Fly Fishers

October 17, 2016 daryl bauer

Want to mention another excellent Nebraska fishing organization, the Cornhusker Fly Fishers.  They meet monthly at our Ak-Sar-Ben Aquarium south of Gretna.  If you check their calendar, you will see that this is a very active bunch of anglers doing fly-tying, fishing events, casting classes, meetings and a whole lot more.  Many of them are volunteer fishing instructors and also help with kid’s fishing events, family fishing nights, sport shows, and Expos.  If you are an angler, especially a fly angler, you should get involved with a group like this!

Photo from Cornhusker Fly Fishers FaceBook page.

This coming Wednesday, Sept. 19, I will be attending their monthly meeting.  I will have a presentation on the variety of fly-fishing opportunities that can be found across Nebraska.  If you want, come hear me, but more importantly, come get involved!  See you there, 6:30 sharp.

My Trout-Bum nephew with a big Nebraska Pike, on the fly!


The post Cornhusker Fly Fishers appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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