Work schedules for my kids converged recently and they both had days off at the same time. They were going fishing.
Of course I found a way to go with them!
First, let me play my usual part of “old man” and say a thing or three about ice safety. . . . Our trip was at the beginning of the arctic outbreak. We still found patches of unsafe ice. Snow on the ice made that even more difficult to detect. Once again let me say, “USE YOUR SPUD BAR!” Until you are sure it is safe, use the spud every step of the way!
We caught fish, not as large as we would have liked, and with the conditions we were not as mobile or as efficient as we would like. But, we caught fish.
Even borrowed my cousin’s ice shelter. It kept us on the ice even with miserable conditions. You know it is cold when we are fishing in a shelter.
We also dried off a few of these:
Caught some bass too, nothing huge, but the light was perfect for this one.
When we get some time together on the water, we sometimes commemorate the occasion with a fly-over!
Actually, our most-prized catches on this trip were a couple of the smallest.
Got better pictures of my daughter’s; her first pumpkinseed ever!
Sure it got cold. Sure it snowed. So what? We were fishing together and that is really all that mattered.
Oh yes, one more thing, they all went back.
You’re welcome.
Ice fishing ain’t over. More to come. . . .
The post Convergence appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.