The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission approved recommendations for 2023 wild turkey hunting seasons at its Aug. 31 meeting at Fort Robinson State Park near Crawford.
The changes to orders for the 2023 turkey season are:
- Limit all hunters to two spring permits; during the meeting, commissioners amended the recommendation to allow nonresidents up to two permits.
- Limit the number of spring permits available to nonresidents to 10,000;
- Amend the daily bag limit to allow a hunter to harvest no more than one turkey per calendar day during the spring season;
- Shorten the fall season to Oct. 1-Nov. 30;
- Limit all hunters to one permit in the fall season;
- Lower the bag limit to one for all hunters in the fall season;
The commissioners also approved a 2023 bighorn sheep hunting season. The orders recommended authorizing one lottery and one auction permit. The season will be Nov. 28-Dec. 22.
Commissioners also drew the winner of the 2022 bighorn sheep lottery permit. The winner is Jerry Fischer of Denton, Nebraska.
In addition, commissioners:
- approved permitting of hunting in some state parks and state historical parks for 2022 seasons;
- approved budget requests for fiscal years 2024 and 2025;
- approved the gift of the Fort Kearny Shooting Sports property, consisting of land and equipment in Buffalo County, by the Fort Kearny Shooting Sports Association; and
- heard a staff update on the upland game outlook, which is based on field reports from biologists, surveys of game species abundance, regional habitat trends, and weather conditions that could affect populations. View the outlook at They also were briefed on the 2022-2023 Public Access Atlas. This publication displays all the publicly accessible lands in Nebraska and is available at
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