Commission to consider deer, antelope and elk hunting recommendations

April 13, 2021 Jerry Kane

LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will consider recommendations for 2021 deer, antelope and elk hunting seasons when it meets April 20 in Kearney.

The meeting will begin at 8 a.m. in the North Loper Room of the Holiday Inn, 110 2nd Ave.

A public hearing is scheduled for proposed amendments to Commission orders pertaining to season dates, bag limits, permit quantities and areas open for deer, antelope and elk hunting.

Staff will recommend deer permit increases and additional bonus antlerless-only whitetail tags in several management units to stabilize populations. For antelope management units, it will be recommended that 39 either-sex permits and 390 doe/fawn permits be added. To reduce elk populations in many elk management units, an additional 78 bull elk and 267 antlerless elk permits will be recommended.

The commissioners also will hear staff updates on shooting range development across the state, fisheries research at Harlan County Reservoir, water policy, and the National Archery in the Schools Program. They also will hear a law enforcement staffing plan and an environmental report.

A complete meeting agenda can be found at

The post Commission to consider deer, antelope and elk hunting recommendations appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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